Im Skilled in

Advance Excel

Picture Excel as my trusted baton, conducting a symphony of data analysis. From unraveling knotty datasets to creating visual masterpieces, Excel isn't just a spreadsheet; it's a canvas where I paint stories with numbers, turning complexity into clarity.


Enter MySQL, the grand architect shaping the foundations of my data empire. With its prowess, I craft intricate databases, enabling seamless data flow and retrieval. It's not just about storing information; it's about creating a harmonious system where data becomes a well-orchestrated melody.


Python, my enchanting spell for automation, turns mundane tasks into captivating routines. It's not just code; it's the wizardry that brings efficiency to every keystroke. From data manipulation to algorithmic wonders, Python is the magic wand in my hands.

Machine Learning

Step into the realm of machine learning, where algorithms become my companions in unraveling patterns within the data tapestry. With Scikit-Learn as my sidekick, I craft predictive models that transform raw information into crystal balls, forecasting possibilities and shaping strategic decisions.

Natural Language Processing

Step into the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP), where the intricacies of human language meet the precision of data science, and words become the notes in my symphony of insight.

Deep Learning

Now, journey with me into the abyss of deep learning, where neural networks and TensorFlow become the compass. It's not just about recognizing images or understanding language; it's about diving into the deep, exploring uncharted territories where data reveals its most profound secrets.

My Projects

WhatsApp Chat Analysis

This WhatsApp chat analysis program takes a chat export file and generates visualizations. It calculates user activity metrics, analyzes temporal and content patterns, and creates visualizations using various libraries. The interactive web application allows users to select specific users and customize visualizations.

Movie Recommendation System

This project aims to develop a movie recommendation system that utilizes a content-based approach to suggest personalized movie suggestions to users. The system will utilize the TMDB 5000 Movie Database from Kaggle to extract relevant movie information and employ machine learning techniques to generate recommendations based on content similarity.

SMS Spam Detection

The project targets the task of classifying electronic messages, such as emails or SMS messages, into two categories: spam and not spam. This classification is crucial for email clients and messaging apps to filter out unwanted or irrelevant messages, improving the overall user experience and reducing exposure to potential phishing scams or malicious content.

Disaster Tweet Prediction

In today's interconnected world, social media platforms like Twitter have become invaluable sources of real-time information. During times of crisis, such as natural disasters, Twitter can be a lifeline for people seeking help and for organizations coordinating relief efforts. However, the sheer volume of tweets can make it difficult to identify those that are truly relevant to a disaster. This is where machine learning comes in. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to classify tweets as either related to a disaster or not. This information can then be used to alert emergency responders and provide them with a clear picture of the situation on the ground.